Anyways, at my last day I gave them a little handmade good-bye gift – a small jar full of papers with little tasks to have a small positive impact. They had to pull one and fulfill the task that was written on the little piece of paper.

I copied all the things that i wrote down to share them with you as well, as its something that typically reflects me and my view on the world as well what I experienced to not only have a positive impact on nature but also on myself. I am excited to share them with you & I would love to hear your experience with it.

Love & Light


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This article works as follows:

Close your eyes and breath in and out deeply one time. Now think of a number between 1-63. Don’t think, the first number that comes to mind is the one.

Now scroll down and do the number that you thought of.

  1. Exchange one product that you always buy with its organic version
  2. Go to a yin-yoga class after a stressful day or when you have problems to sleep (youtube also has classes)
  3. Let yourself get inspired by searching “zero waste” on Pinterest
  4. Try to fic the next thing that breaks before you buy it new
  5. Make a cat noise and smile
  6. Make yourself cacao by using dark (fair) chocolate, ginger, chili, local honey, cardamom, cinnamon and plant-based milk of choice
  7. Use cloth in the kitchen instead of paper towels
  8. Go to a kringloop (social second-hand store)
  9. Unfollow 20 accounts on social media which make you feel bad or less worthy.
  10. Make a ’16 personalities test’ on the Internet and read through your results
  11. Consider for 5 minutes to not fly this year but make holidays by getting an ‘interrail ticket’ (international train ticket for whole Europe)
  12. Plant a plant and give it a name
  13. The next time you fly, set off your carbon emissions
  14. Creatively package the next gift you gift so you have no disposable wrapper around it.
  15. Don’t order the next book you want online, but got to a local book store to buy it (or lend it, even better)
  16. gift away something that you haven’t used in a year to someone who would make it really happy.
  17. Unless you have absolutely nothing at home, do not buy anything today, but use everything you already have at home.
  18. Say something kind to yourself (doesn’t have to be loud)
  19. Watch a youtube video about permaculture
  20. Drink the next cappuccino with plant-based milk. (oat tastes best mostly)
  21. Craft the next present you gift to someone yourself.
  22. Buy fruits frozen when they are not in season (counts for basically all fruits and veggies)
  23. Take a big glass of water now.
  24. Cook a 100% seasonal dish tomorrow
  25. Don’t take disposable cutlery at the store. Have your own fork and spoon in your pockets (you never know when you might need them 😉
  26. Pretend that you are a tourist in your hometown on a Saturday morning/afternoon. Make a tour with your friends or family and visit all the interesting attractions in your town. Take smiling pictures meanwhile.
  27. Hug everyone in the office now.
  28. Eat a whole meal made from locally grown foods (50km radius)
  29. Unplug small appliances in your home like mixers, toaster, hair blower etc.
  30. Do not buy any new plastic bags this week. Bring your own bags
  31. Calculate your ecological footprint on the internet
  32. Pick up 3 things in the streets (trash) and recycle them properly.
  33. Next chocolate you buy is fair-trade & slavery-free (read one article about slavery in the chocolate industry)
  34. Find out what a “Bokashi” is & consider for 2 minutes to get one.
  35. Drink only water for the rest of the day (only tap & not from plastic bottles)
  36. Stop smoking for a week
  37. Dance naked in front of a mirror with your favorite upbeat music on your earplugs.
  38. Go to the next party and stay completely sober (you can do it when you have to explain yourself, which you normally shouldn’t have to, tell them I told you to try it out with me one time)
  39. Next time you order a drink ask specifically for no plastic straw.
  40. Call your grandma (if you do not have one anymore, call your mama)
  41. Buy unpackaged bread & find out how to store it properly
  42. Compliment someone
  43. Start growing your own herbs (as long as you have a window with sunlight)
  44. Grow your own sprouts once
  45. Find out how you can make your own Sauerkraut, Kombucha or Tepache
  46. Buy nothing with plastic on today.
  47. Have three hours awake time without your phone on you.
  48. Go to an ecstatic dance
  49. Take a friend (who hasn’t been yet) to Instock, taste before you waste, guerilla kitchen, Robin Cook, VoKü or whatever food rescue organization you have close by.
  50. Cook yourself the whole day. Nothing ready-to-eat today
  51. Invite someone to date in your closest Botanical Garden
  52. Buy recycled toilet paper next time
  53. Take the person next to you to dinner at your home (no food ordering allowed)
  54. Find out what a Food Co-op is.
  55. No matter how klischee and awkward you feel while doing it – hug a tree for 3 minutes
  56. Look, someone, who you love and trust in the eyes for 3 minutes (set a timer if necessary)
  57. Go to a live concert (not electronic music)
  58. Craft something with your hands. Whether its clay, wood, glass, paint or any other material which you like – transform it with your hands within the next week.
  59. Google which fruits and veggies are in season right now
  60. Try to remember what you did on your birthdays from 5-10
  61. Play a guessing game with your friends or colleagues
  62. Sit down in the streets with a friend & tell each other the life-story of the people that pass by. Do that with three people.
  63. Zoom out & visualize yourself looking from the universe down to this planet earth. Remain in this thought for 2 minutes. What thoughts pop-up?