Truefoodscatering “Summertale 2017”
Truefoodscatering – Again: I can’t quite put it into words. What comes to my mind when I think about last week is hard work, team work, being organized, having fun, being creative, laughter and happy faces all over. To bring it to the point: Last week we organized and cooked a catering for a dear friends event.

Truefoodscatering – Teamfoto
He opened up a Boarding house, a concept for all traveling people who have to stay for a longer period of time, but not enough to rent an apartment. It is located in Morbach, the sweet little town where I spent a good amount of my youth. Roman, who initiated this whole project was a follower of Truefoodsblog from a very early stage. He asked us whether we wanted to do the catering for this event because he is totaly in love with our website and way of cooking & of course, we said yes.
Boarding House:

Truefoodscatering -Roman gets surprised
This is the moment when Roman first got a glimpse on the buffet we created & designed. Moritz face says it all :))
After some weeks of preparation and planning (which was done in a highly professional way since Moritz has an extensive background in Catering Business) we were able to rock the table. Sweeting, cutting, peeling & more than honored, preparing for the big day. As you might know, if you are reading this- Moritz is an experienced and trained Chef who worked with incredible michelin starred chefs before. For me, I love cooking & on a large scale I was able to catch some experience on in the Lott kitchen, cooking for the volunteers & the bands. You can imagine how excited I was to have the chance to have this amount of responsibility & work professionally with Moritz.

Truefoodscatering- Fruit Salad
During the whole working process, we had an insight into an incredible team. Rewe Morbach, the supermarket Roman is owning, was providing us with everything we needed. Within the three days we were working & preparing we saw how beautiful it is when so many different people work in a place with an atmosphere were everyone loves to work, is genuine, respected and just love what they do. The awareness but also the organization, discipline, and professionality which was present was inspiring. It’s definitely a way how, if some day, we would eager to run a business as well.
What I can say is:
Preparation is key & of course : “Mise en place“
In the kitchen, this means ” Keep everything in place, be clean and organized”. The funniest thing how Moritz and my cooking jags looked like: he was completely white while mine looked like I was a kindergarten child who played with water color too much :D. But anyway, my place was clean & we definitely had the chance to apply everything we learned in Food safety last semester. Actually, so much what we have learned during our studies could be implemented.
Inspiration, creating awareness & personal development:

Mountain Trip – Truefoodsblog
Not to speak of the personal development that happened during the long time we spent in nature, mountains, forests and the Mosel river we experienced. We both started to do more yoga half a year ago, read articles, talked to incredible people at Lott Festival & especially in Bali. For us, this is so important to develop yourself, bring and save our energy and being aware of what is our goal of making a difference, in the topic that we both love the most – Food. The study can be quite hard and a catering is also hard work, discipline, and effort. Once more we got proved that, no matter how much physical endurance and energy it takes to work for something, if you really do what you love, which brings you closer to yourself and your mission, brings you and the world in balance, it will never cost you internal energy. It will fill you up. Although we were working for such a long time and pressure: the time was flying & we were falling to bed with a huge smile. We made friends, we had fun, we were able to spread our message to embrace the beauty & the facets of food while taking care of our environment– all without pressure, but joy. This was a big milestone for Truefoodsblog and us as a Team. We are more than excited to be able to work with Roman & its Team again soon.
“Awareness of yourself & the environment. Maintaining & aim for Balance”. These are the words of summer 2017
BTW: we cooked for many many people at the Catering and made it with good preparation to leave no food waste behind, we are totally proud of that achievement!!
You must be curious now. So here is our Menu of the Truefoodscatering!
Classic oriental Hummus
With roasted Nuts& Seeds, oriental spices, served in a romanasalad- boat
find the recipe:
Creamy – refreshing Beet- Hummus
with crunchy Peanut- combination, topped with water cress & a spicy cracker

Truefoodscatering – Truefoodsblog
find the recipe on:
Variation of Italian Antipasti
in balsamico sugo, on a bed of arugula & lovetomatoes

Truefoodscatering- Italian Antipasti
Moroccan Spice & Honey Antipasti
with airy Couscous, Feta & Pomegranate

Truefoodscatering- Couscous
find the recipe:
Fruity Gazpacho “Andaluze”
with Watermelon & Basil-Pine-Pesto Foam

Truefoodscatering- Gazpacho
find the recipe:
Classic Bruschetta
with fruity Salsa & Parma ham rose

Truefoodscatering- Classic Bruschetta
Vegan Bruschetta
with creamy Cashew Sour Cream and fruity salsa & artichoke

Truefoodscatering- Vegane Bruschetta 2
Colourful Fruit Salad
with homemade Chocolategranola & fresh Mint

Truefoodscatering- fruit salad & granola
“Apfelstrudel” traditional German Apple Dessert
with turmeric vanilla Sauce & Berry – Mint Topping

Truefoodscatering- Apfelstrudel
Small Look behind the scenes :

Truefoodscatering- Couscous Vorbereitungen – Truefoodsblog

Claire in a cooking west – Truefoodsblog

Truefoodscatering- Moritz – The Profi

Truefoodscatering – Teamfoto 4