Updated Data security (DSGVO) now Online @ Truefoodsblog
From May on the European Union implements its new “DSGVO” Data Security policy to protect consumer privacy in the world wide web. In line with this, new challenges and implementations especially for photographersand bloggers are at important. We at Truefoodsblog take the Data Security of our Fans and Customers serious, this is why we do everything possible to ensure your privacy. Therefore, we created a new section under our contact button on the Homepage where we list all the features regarding the new DSGVO rules and how we are cooporating within.
This Email should give you information and a good feeling to continue browsing on our free webpage and enjoing all features which come with it in line with the new EU law.
We are stil in the early years of our excistence with Truefoodsblog, taking customers need and rights very serious thought.
The upcoming years will be a great journey for Truefoods and you may look forward to be part of a sustainable, less waste, flexitarian movement in the food world with us.
Thank you all for your trust and the love you share with us.
Moritz & Claire
Team Truefoodsblog