
Bee Pollen – the new Superfood? Benefits & Dangers -” a dialectic view “

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Bee Pollen – the new Superfood? Benefits & Dangers -” a dialectic view “

Bee Pollen – Within the last few month I have seen more and more Bee Pollen appear in recipes all over blog and social media posts. I remember Bee Pollen from my childhood. My mum used to give me a tip of a teaspoon now and then topped with propolis and of course honey. So basically all the goodness you can have on a spoon. It always used to have something magical, because my mum also told me that it is. That I will get the flower – and the bee energy if I eat it. I was never allowed to take them by my own and I remember that my mum used to hide the little glass of bee pollen from me, because I would have definitely eaten the whole glass in one.

10 reasons why to eat Lupines – Truefoodsblog

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10 reasons why to eat Lupines

Lupines became more and more a thing in our kitchen. Actually i do not remember when this actually started – I guess it was the moment when I had some lupine flour from my mom (from one of her bread experiments) and Moritz came back home from germany with some more information about the positive effects of lupines on his body.

Taste before you waste meets Truefoodsblog – “Help us to fight against food waste”

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Taste before you waste meets Truefoodsblog –  “Help us to fight against food waste”

Taste Before You Waste – Our food system is currently failing. We live in a world where 40 % of food produced is being wasted, while many are starving. A wasteful food system is not only socially unacceptable but also environmental irresponsible!

Should all E-numbers be prohibited ? – Truefoodsblog

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Should all E-numbers be prohibited?

As we are Food Students, this question became more and more important to us. For university, we had to do some research and the following text provides our findings and discussion.

– Claire & Moritz


Top 3 Restaurants Marrakech – “Nomad, Le Jardin, Café des épices”

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Top 3 Restaurants in Marrakech – “Nomad, le Jardin, Café des épices”

Top 3 Restaurants Marrakech: In Marrakech, we had the chance to enjoy a few Restaurants during our stay. The three best of them deserve it to be mentioned in our Blog. And I feel honoured that we came in contact with the owner of these localities and had time to exchange and give our feedback on the spot.

A day for a change – it’s World Earth Day

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The 22nd of April is World Earth Day

Good morning Earth – it’s nice to have you…

Today is the World Earth Day and maybe it is time for all of us to pause for a moment and “waste” a Minute to consider the own impact on the Earth instead of wasting a ToGo cup. This day is about becoming aware of our daily actions and their consequences.

It is only one World…

The darkside of superfoods – “a look behind the facade”

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The Darkside of superfoods

Chia Pudding, Acai Power Bowl, Matcha Latte, and Green Smoothie – They all have something in common; all of them contain so-called superfoods. But it is not only producers and retailers, who affirm their beneficial impact on health.

Intermittent fasting – “Why skipping breakfast could be health beneficial”

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 Intermittent fasting – “Why skipping breakfast could be health beneficial ”

How high is your carbon footprint ? – make the test now

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Carbon Footprint

Today we did a calculation how high the carbon footprint from every single student in University is. The key of this quiz was to find out how many planets does it take to support the lifestyle of every single attendant. And it was pretty impressive to see even if you think your behavior is ecologically friendly, you will use the resources of more than one earth.

Palm Oil production-” a brief overview, the connection to climate change and how to take action”

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Palm Oil production-” a brief overview, the connection to climate change and how to take action”

Climate Change – Over 50 percent of packaged food products in supermarkets are containing palm oil. Hereby the impact of palm oil agriculture on climate change is tremendous and most people do not even know why. Click on the Article: Palm Oil production-” a brief overview, the connection to climate change and how to take action” to continue reading.