Appletart with Cointreau “drunk apple tarts”
The corresponding recipe to our little visit at the cointreau company and its production!. Definatly a must have for the days that are finally getting a little warmer.
Apples and Oranges have definatly saved my life this winter. As far as I consider we managed quite good to eat seasonally, but now I can not wait for all the fresh goodies coming in the spring!
The raspberries are slwoly grwoing on our sunny balcony and I hope they are growing fast and good, so I could taste their sweetness before I leave!
For now, apples are the thing! & they are even better when they are slightly spiced up with some orange liquer, in this case cointreau.
hope you enjoy !!

Appletart with Cointreau – truefoodsblog
How you do it:
- Preheat the oven to 230°C.
- Folt out the unfrozen puff pastry dough and cut them into approx. 10cm*5cm big right angles and add them to a baking tray.
- Roll out the marcipan in the same size and add place them exactly on the tarts.
- Wash the apples and cut them into thin slices like seen in the picture aboce, around 1cm thick.
- Place them on the tarts and roll up the edges slightly.
- Bake this for aorund 20 Minutes. until golden brown.
- In the meantime, add the jam and the cointreau to a small pot and stir until combined. Dont overcook, otherwise all the booze is going to be gone.
- Take out the tarts and add the jam mixture. Let this sit and serve with some fresh creme fresh, mixed with some cointreau of course ;))