Barley Pasta, Vegan Zucchini Pesto Carbonara & Tofu Saltimbocca
Barley Pasta, Vegan Zucchini Pesto Carbonara & Tofu Saltimbocca: Home sweet home. Back in Germany, the first thing I had to do was of course spent my time with my family. How would it be different than of course cooking something nice for them ?
My mum has the most amazing garden full of things that are in need to be harvested. That means what I cook will be determined by the things that are ready to eat from the garden – what a huge luxury ! Next to that my mum has ordered a big big package from Italy. She recently stumbled across the company: Fattoria La Vialla, a food brand from the Toscana that pays huge attention to an organic, biodynamic, sustainable, local and authentic production. They work side on side with Demeter and their highest added value is that they are completly climateneutral, which got certified. Together with the University of Sienna they measured their impact on CO2 emissions – which turned out to be negative. That means that they managed to absorb 9.996,34 tonnes of CO2 within the last 3 years. Their product range from wine, oils, cheese, vinegar, sauces, pestos, pasta, flour, salamis, juices to sweets.
This might sound like we are sponsored or something but this is just the beginning of us presenting & supporting brands that we just think are worth to present. Who have a great and inspiring concept and simply good and tasty products. Fattoria La Vialla is definitly one of them. Find out more about them on:
But now lets come back to the recipe:) So my mum asked me to use the Barley Spaghetti from them, plus the Sage & the Zucchini that needed to be cooked before they gone bad. So this is what I conjured:
PS: for all of you who ask themselves “what is Saltimbocca” ?: Normally its a good piece of meat fried with sage butter lemon and salt. This time I made it in a Claire kind of way & exchanged a few things – so don’t tell me again I can’t call it Saltimbocca or Carpaccio 😛

Barley Pasta, Vegan Pesto Carbonara Zucchini & Saltimbocca Tofu – Truefoodsblog
How You do it:
Barley Pasta & Vegan Zucchini Pesto Carbonara
- If you use Cashews: Let them soak in hot water for around 10 min, while you start preparing the rest. (For the poor non-vegans amongst us: you can simply use creme fraiche 😉 )
- Bring Water to boil and prepare a pot with a pinch of salt for the Barley Spaghetti, which you add in as soon as the water starts to boil
- Cut the onion and the garlic into small tiny cubes. Bring some olive oil to heat in a pan & add the little cubes. Stir until they get soft, glazy and slightly golden.
- Wash the zucchini & cut them into small cubes as well. Add them to the onions and turn up the heat slightly.
- Stir until the zucchini gets softer and also slightly golden. Blend the cashews until they have a smooth even texture & add it to the pan. (or the creme fraiche or vegan version).
- Add the lemon zest/juice, salt, pepper, pesto & the Spaghetti water & set the sauce aside, so the zucchinis absorb all this goodness.
Tofu Saltimbocca
- Start with heating the coconut oil in a pan.
- Wash the sage & cut half of it into small stripes. Add them to the coconut oil with salt & lemon juice and whisk all together in the pan.
- Cut the Tofu into thin strips and add it to the pan, as well as the whole sage that is left to fry.
- From time to time you might lift the pan slightly and pour some of the sage infused coconut oil over the tofu until the tofu is getting golden brown.
Serve everything in a nice big bowl with the fried Sage & a good glass of white wine – Cheers :))