Black Forest Salad Bowl with pine needles and Misovinaigrette- “Make Salad Great again”

Black Forest Salad Bowl with pine needles and Misovinaigrette – “Make Salad Great again”
Black Forest Salad Bowl. It’s finally salad time again. Believe it or not, one of my favourite dishes is a salad. You are basically unlimited with your creativity. The more creative you are and the more toppings you have the more fun it will be to eat salads. Yes even for you, you salad grouches. I was at home for a few days to visit my family and friends in Germany and of course to cook with my mum again. You have to know that my mum always has the craziest inspiration for me to cook. Her crazy edible surprise – apple green pine needles. The tips of pines are growing right now and you can surely differ them from the stiff, not tasty old needles. The tips are apple green and you can easily remove them from the rest. They taste like forest and sometimes even sour. So why not add them to a salad ?? So in my creative rush, I chopped in all different kinds of toppings and it turned out to be super tasty and beautiful. But hurry! The green tips are becoming more and more bitter the more they grow.
How you do it:
- Wash the salad and dry it properly. Then add it into your bowl of choice.
- Cut the Tofu and the Beet into thin slices and place it on the salad
- Mix the vinaigrette in a separate glass. Give it a good shake.
- Wash the pine needles and mince them properly. Drizzle them over the salad.
- Add the rest of your toppings. – My tip: place the cottage cheese on the edge of the bowl and drizzle the jam over it, as well as over the rest of the salad.Adding jam on a salad may seem weird for you but jam is a secret ingredient that makes every vinaigrette perfect! With this bowl, it’s only separated.
- You can even throw the tofu and the chickpeas into a pan and wipe it off with some soy sauce for some extra flavour.
- When you are satisfied with your toppings, add the vinaigrette and enjoy!
- I personally always have a good piece of whole grain sourdough bread next to my salad- the nice thing is: you can put some cottage cheese and jam from the bowl on it to have a small dessert 😉

I really hope you enjoyed my little creation. Greetings from the finally summery Amsterdam.