Blackberry Balsamico Dressing “Dressing number 4”

Finally, the salad hearts can start to bloom!

Its getting warmer and we for us this means: Salad time. A long time ago we started to develop and perfectionise our recipes and now we thought ” why not share them ?”

So here comes the first dressing of our collection. Below I listed down traits for salads to which this dressing suits perfectly:

  • Big, thick green leaves,
  • Field salad
  • Beet root
  • Almonds
  • Black Beans
  • Radishes
  • Rich and sweet salads
Blackberry Balsamico Dressing -6- Truefoodsblog

Blackberry Balsamico Dressing -6- Truefoodsblog

Blackberry Balsamico Dressing -3- Truefoodsblog

Blackberry Balsamico Dressing -3- Truefoodsblog

How you do it:

  1. The whole trick is to put everything into a big bottle right away. This way you can shake the dressing as well as store it and use it in personalized portions when ever you need it.
  2. It’s best to start with the jam, vinegar, and the spices first and add the olive oil at last. This little trick allows the sauce to emulsify evenly.
  3. Just give it a good shake until everything is equally combined. (If your dressing appears to be too thick, you may add a little sip of water, give it a good shake and season again if needed)

Use within 7 days max


Blackberry Balsamico Dressing "Dressing number 4"

Blackberry Balsamico Dressing “Dressing number 4”
