Cassava Bacon ‘n Eggs – “only for the brave”

Cassava Bacon ‘n Eggs – “only for the brave”
As you may know, we are all studying in Almere, a city right next to Amsterdam. What is important to know about this Trabant city is that is a whole mixture of different cultures. Before I moved here I only knew little about all the colonies that the Netherlands used to rule, but since now I got to know so much more. One of the most represented colonies in this city is Surinam. And as we are real intercultural foodies we drove to see what is their kitchen about, so one day a friend of mine cooked something typical Surinam for me and – oh my god – that was spicy! He was also the one to tell me about this root called cassava, which is widely used in all different kinds of cultures, also in Surinam.
He also warned me to never eat it raw! when it is unheated it contains poisonous amounts of cyanide, so that’s the reason for the title. 🙂 But fearsome people you are released ! if you cook the cassava properly there is nothing you have to be afraid of.
Last Sunday our little community finally had the time to prepare something nice and have a good old Sunday breakfast together. So we decided to make something that I found on one of my favourite food blogs “Hot for Food” -shout out at this point- and a long approved creation of mine which substituted the scrambled eggs for Fiona.
Here is how you do it:
Cassava Bacon:
- Combine the liquid smoke, tamari, smoked paprika, maple syrup, agave or honey and the sea salt in a big pot or vessel
- Next, peel the cassava and throw away the brown skin. Start with shaving the cassava into thin slices with a peeler and marinade them in the sauce for around 15 min. (no you could start with your ” ‘n Eggs”)
- Heat a pot with your frying oil until you see little bubbles when holding in the back of a wooden spoon.
- Start with putting in a few cassava strips and fry them for around 2 min on each side.
- After they start to become more brown take them out and put them on a paper towel to drain excess fat.
‘n Eggs:
- Start with mincing your red onions and garlic.
- Take a fork and smash the tofu into unevenly shaped crumbles (if you are making the vegetarian version, just put your eggs into a vessel and whisk them)
- Heat some olive oil in a pan and start with putting in the scrambled tofu first.
- Take a cup and mix all the spices and the nut butter with the vegetable broth and set aside (or mix the spices with your eggs)
- When the tofu starts to get golden brown on one side, put in the onions and the garlic.
- Cut your sun-dried tomatoes and add them to the pan.
- When everything is starting to get cooked and golden, add the vegetable broth mixture.
- Cut the green onions and add them after all the liquid dissolved into the tofu mixture.

Serve with the Cassava bacon and some fresh bread, “Brötchen” or bagels and enjoy!