Cauliflower soup special – “Autumn soup time”

October is almost over and even here in Italy Autumn is total in play. Leaves are falling from the trees, the wind is blowing stronger with an icy touch and the city dwellers take out their warm jackets for the colder months. This season is perfect for simple but amazing soup recipes. Today I want to share a recipe I have learned from my Mentor @lealinster in Luxembourg a few years ago, I have to think about here since she is visiting @fattorialavialla as well form today on. I am a bit sad that we had to leave yesterday but grateful for the time we have had at the farm. The Cauliflower soup special with only 5 Main Ingredients needed is the perfect seasonal recipe for now. There is one secret step in the how to do section for this recipe which brings a new flavor on your plate, check it out on our webpage. The transition from summer to autumn and then winter is always a bit lethargic, but with a few seasonal tasty recipes, we want to help you make the step ?

Cauliflower soup special - "Autumn soup time" by Truefoodsblog

Cauliflower soup special – “Autumn soup time” by Truefoodsblog


How to do:

Cauliflower soup special - Autumn soup time by Truefoodsblog

Cauliflower soup special – Ingredients

  1. Prepare all the ingredients for the soup. Cut the Cauliflower, onions, garlic, and leek into slices.
Cauliflower soup special - Autumn soup time by Truefoodsblog 1

Cooking pot, let it “burn”

2. Here comes the secret step, put a medium size pot on heat and add 2 tbsp Olive oil. Let the Cauliflower roast in the pot until it gets golden brown. Add the onions, garlic, thyme and leek and sear with the cauliflower for 2-3 more minutes. (some dark brown parts in the pot are totally ok at this step).

The roasting of the Cauliflower gives this soup is special and unique taste and a lot of aroma & flavour

3. Fill up with around 1 liter of vegetable broth and let the soup cook until soft. Press the cauliflower with a fork against the pot wall to test if its soft enough for mixing. After that start blending the whole soup till a creamy texture evolves. 

4. Whip the soy cream with a pinch of salt. Half of it you add to the soup together with salt and white pepper. (I add a little bit of agave syrup for the final perfect taste)

Cauliflower soup special - Autumn soup time by Truefoodsblog 5

Cauliflower soup special – Autumn soup time by Truefoodsblog

5. As the final step, serve the soup in a warm bowl. Toppings: Whipped soy cream, pistachios, drizzle olive oil and some herbs or leaves of choice. Enjoy 


Additional you may make some Homemade Bread with it, for example:

A Kumin Flatbread by Truefoods

Kumin Flatbread - Truefoodsblog

Kumin Flatbread – Truefoodsblog

Moe´s Classical Buttermilk Bread

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Moes Buttermilk Bread

The Fast Indian Chapati Bread

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