Chilled Carrot, Avocado, Miso, young Coconut Soup ” Best Chilled soup ever”

Chilled Carrot, Avocado, Miso, young Coconut Soup – or the best chilled soup ever ! Yes that is something to say. As already announced in the article “Top 9 Restaurants & Cafes in Bali” this is the recipe of the best chilled soups I have ever had.

In the middle of the Gianyar Ricefields and Mountains I had the pleasure to get to know Dewa, the excecutive Chef of Glow, the restaurant belonging to COMO Shambhala Hotel. You might have read on our blog, avocados are one of the food products we are sceptical towards. Huge amounts of water and ressources are necessary to produce the creamy fruit. The more interesting was the conversation I had with Dewa about this topic. As they mostly use fruits & vegetables out of their own gardens, to secure a save, sustainable nd high quality supply of their raw material, they also take care about the origin of their avocados. For him it was important to say that people do not have to boycott avocados from their meal plans, but that a sustainable sourcing of the water for the plant is of huge importance.



Chilled Carrot, Avocado, Miso, young Coconut Soup - Truefoodsblog

Chilled Carrot, Avocado, Miso, young Coconut Soup – Truefoodsblog

How you do it:

  1. Put the Carrot juice into a blending utility or in a facil in which you can use a manuel blender.
  2. Cut the Avocados, fresh coconut and add the flesh of both to the carrot juice. Blend this with the ginger till smooth.
  3. Add the herbs, coriander seeds, and the oil and blend well. Additional you can strain it through a medium sieve.
  4. You may add a little salt, but be careful 🙂
  5. Garnish it with fresh tomatoes, Parsley, sesame seeds and coriander seed powder
