Classic French Gratin “Starcuisine Memories”


The potato gratin has always been a symbol of disput between all kind of culinary cuisines. There is simply no authentic gratin recipe. So we decided to call our “classic” potato gratin after a french recipe, learned and practiced by Moritz in his former education and work as a starchef.

The differences:

-The french cuisine does not like cheese on the Gratin Dauphinois, whereas on the Gratin Savoyard, it is more tolerable, whereas creme needs to be left out. We took the best out of both !

What counts to us is the taste ! So enjoy !


Der Kartoffelgratin ist immer wieder Gegenstand kulinarischer Auseinandersetzungen, denn es gibt kein authentisches Rezept. Die Französische Küche sieht Käse auf dem Gratin Dauphinois nicht sehr gerne, auf dem Gratin Savoyard wird es jedoch toleriert (hierbei aber ohne Sahne). Uns Interessiert das recht wenig denn der Geschmack ist das was zählt, dieser ist garantiert mit unserem Gratin Rezept. Lasst es euch Munden.


Classic French Gratin - Truefoodsblog

Classic French Gratin – Truefoodsblog


How you do it:

  1. Butter a small baking form & preheat the oven to 200°C.
  2. Cut the Onions and the Garlic into small cubes and start cooking it together with 2 tbsp of butter. Add the creme, milk as well as the vegetable broth and let this cook for aorund 1 min.
  3. Now add the salt, black pepper and fresh ground nutmeg and stir. Pull the sauce to the side and add the thyme.
  4. Peel the potatoes and cut them with a mandalin into thin slices. Add them into a buttered gratin form and top them with the sauce.
  5. Bake this for around 50 Minutes, take it out, add the parmesan and bake it gold brown for another 10 minutes.


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