Classic Gazpacho – ” Taste the Waste”

Classic Gazpacho – We are pretty excited to soon tell you more about the project we have been up to lately! We started participating in the “Taste the Waste” dinners and action in Amsterdam. Which for us is super cool & we are looking forward to telling you more about this. For now: Taste the Waste is a non-profit organisation which wants to communicate and educate about the huge problems we have to face concerning food waste. For the dinner in Amsterdam, they collect food that has been wasted and cooks a huge dinner for everyone that is willing to come. In response, they get a donation which will again support the organisation.

All in one: it’s awesome and we are so excited to become a small part of this movement. Next, to the dinner, they shared the rest of the rescued food which was left over. This time it was: cucumbers. We took some slightly yellow but still perfectly edible ones home and created this classic gazpacho. It’s awesome what you still can create with food that is actually meant to be thrown away.


How you do it:

  1. Peel the cucumber  (you can use the peel for some tzatziki, but it would change the colour of the gazpacho into somehow brownish)
  2. Cut the tomatoes into four pieces. Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut it into rough pieces as well.
  3. Peel the red onion and add it to a blender or facility in which you can blend everything with a hand blender.
  4. Add the vegetable into the bowl, as well as the spices, balsamic and red wine.
  5. Use the blender and mix everything until it is equally blended. Add some mineral water for the extra touch.
  6. Cut the bread into small cubes.
  7. Heat the olive oil in a pan and slightly fry the bread cubes until they are turning slightly golden.
  8. Season them with a pinch of salt & serve the gazpacho with the fresh croutons, cottage cheese and basil

Tip: When it is really hot outside you may add a little bit of crushed ice, in order to cool down the soup.



Classic Gazpacho- Truefoodsblog

Classic Gazpacho- Truefoodsblog

Thank you so much @TastetheWaste for the cucumber and the wonderful experience at your dinner last week.

We are going to publish the article about their amazing projects soon on this blog. Until then..enjoy the wheather and enjoy your gazpacho  🙂


Kind regards from Amsterdam

-Claire & Moritz