German Semmelknödel – “Homemade German Classic”
Today we were at Claires grandmas house & made something that she wished us to. Semmelknödel is one of her favorite dishes and she was talking about making them with us for quite some time.
Semmelknödel used to be a dish for the “poor” in Germany. As you all might know: we have quite some history of destruction behind us & this also is recognizable in our cuisine. Oftentimes, traditional dishes eaten by the people are designed to be very resource saving and focused on leftovers. Furthermore, they are often very rich and make you feel for quite some time.
So do Semmelknödel! They are made from old “Brötchen”, which are small loafs of soft bread, so to say. “Semmel” is “Brötchen” in dialect, just so you know.
With this small historical background: Enjoy this classic vegetarian German dish!

How you make it:
- Start with cutting your Brötchen or hardened Soft Bread into small slices.
- Start mincing your white onion into fine small cubes (well maybe soon we make a little chef tricks article). Cut the parsley into thin pieces as well.
- Heat some (light tasting) oil in a pan and start cooking the onions on a medium heat until they get glazy and soft.
- Add the milk, salt, nutmeg, and pepper and stir until the milk has heated through.
- Add the mixture to the bread as well as the parsley and eggs & kneed this through so everything is well combined.
- Close your Bowl with a handkerchief and let this soak for at least one hour.
- Heat some water in a pot, with a pinch of salt & take a handful of dough to form a ball.
- Add the ball to your boiling water and cook them until they start swimming on the top.
- now yu can fry them in a pan & enjoy them with a good mushroom sauce.
- (just fry some onions, mushrooms, add some cheese & cream, as well as spices, salt & vegetable brooth)
Enjoy this classical German dish & please let us know why you searched this recipe 🙂
we are very curious to know !