Honey Glazed Carrot Hummus -“Something nice to bring to a BBQ”

Honey Glazed Carrot Hummus -“Something nice to bring to a BBQ”. So this is the recipe for the small snack I brought to a really nice BBQ we had the other day. We are studying at an very international school and after all the stress we finally managed to have some good time together on the rooftop of our university.

It was crazy how many interesting students we get to know which you actually just bypass every day for the last year without knowing. Some nice music, a” share your food and drinks BBQ “and sun in our faces later, we came home- satisfied and a good amount of new contacts richer.

Of course, we wanted to bring something nice as well. The only problem was that I had to put up the whole location and had quite some stress for school. Therefore, it needed to be fast, of course cheap but still delicous. Here is what we have brought to the BBQ & maybe you can as well for your next.

I mean everyone around the world loves hummus I guess 😉

Honey Glazed Carrot Hummus- Truefoodsblog

Honey Glazed Carrot Hummus- Truefoodsblog

How you do it :

  1. Start with peeling your carrots and cut them into thin slices.
  2. Heat some coocnut oil in a pan and add the carrots, stiring occationally and baking them until they become golgen brown.
  3. Wash your thyme and add it shortly before the carrots are done.
  4. Turn off the heat and add the honey. Make sure that you are stiring them well so nnothing sticks to the pan
  5. Train your chickpeas and add them to a blender
  6. Add the herbs, salt, pepper, orange juice, tahini and carrots and blend it until everything is well combined.
  7. taste it and add some of your herbs, salt and juice after prefferance.

Et Voila!

Hope you enjoyed this quick and easy recipe for the upcoming BBQ season :))


Honey Glazed Carrot Hummus