Leftover Spaghetti Fritters with Lupine Hummus – “Taste the waste “

Leftover Spaghetti Fritters with Lupine Hummus
“Taste the waste”
We all three are facing exams week, so our last days consisted of long university days and late evening studying and pretending to study while doing other things. Nevertheless, we also needed to cook something for dinner and we thought we would be planning smart to cook an overload of whole grain spaghetti to have some for the next days. Unfortunately, none of us seemed to be excited of eating pasta for days. So what to do with a big box of unloved cooked pasta?
The first step was to see what was left in the fridge. We still had some eggs, mushrooms and some bell peppers that needed to be prepared. Furthermore, we are very excited for lupines at the moment. We will definitely post a research article from my best friend, explaining you why. Anyways, I thought about how to transform the spaghetti into something completely different.
Yueky, a fellow student of us brought us some really beautiful pottery that she created herself and Moritz really enjoyed to decorate this filigree plate.
How you do it:
Leftover Spaghetti Fritters
- Start with cutting the onion into tiny cubes as well as your mushrooms, scallions and bell pepper.
- Heat some olive oil in the pan and start with roasting your onion.
- If you want to, put the bell peppers from the Hummus recipe in another pan already. Start with roast them in olive oil and a pinch of salt on the side.
- If you have a falafel mix, put it into a measuring cup and put in the required amount of hot water. Stir it occasionally so there are no clumps.
- If you do not have a falafel mix, you can also blend some canned chickpeas. Just season it a bit more until you are satisfied with the taste.
- Next put in your vegetables into the pan and roast them until they are golden brown.
- Put in the eggs and spices into your blend and add the scallions after you mixed it generously.
- When the vegetables are done put them into the mix as well.
- Cut the Spaghetti into small pieces and add them to the mix.
- The last step is to heat up some oil in a pan again and bake the fritters for around 2 min on each side (be careful while flipping, the fritters are fragile)
Lupine Hummus
- First, put your lupines into a measuring cup or a good food blender and add all the spices.
- Basically put in everything together, as well as the roasted bell peppers and start mixing it.
- If you feel like the texture or the taste is not of your preference just add some olive oil or spices to it.
- Blend it until nice and smooth

Beet Chocolate Bowl -Truefoodsblog
This dish goes perfectly with a fresh salad and some side vegetables. The lupine hummus is a little more sticky than regular hummus but it definitely tastes amazing to the fritters. Don’t worry if you have some leftover hummus afterwards. It still tastes amazing on bread or as a normal hummus to anything you like.
Hope you enjoyed your “Taste the Waste” dish as much as we did.