Mini Vegetarian Quiche – “Picnic time is coming “
Picnic time is coming. The heads of the flowers are already curiously reaching out for the sun and the irds are singing their first Om’s to spring.
Did you know that all birds are singing the frequence of the sun & the most beautiful: humans can make a noice that is equal: “OM”
No idea why i told you this, but you know, I get quite romantic today;)
Other than that i struggle to find my words today. We have had our first days of university the past few days and i have to admit that it got quite exhaustive. Here in France we have full days and long lectures. Other than in the Netherlands they are not negotiable and 1 1/2 hours long – uuuuugggh. Nevertheless, I love the new lectures and the subjects.
I will keep you updated.

Mini Vegetarian Quiche- Truefoodsblog
How you do it:
- For the dough start with mixing the salt with the flour in a big bowl. Cut the butter into small cubes and add it with the egg to the flour. Knead the dough until you get a crumbly kneadable texture.
- Let the dough rest in the fridge while you are preparing the filling
- Preheat the oven to 180°C.
- For the filling, mix the creme, milk, eggs and add salt, nutmeg, black pepper, and herbs. now grind the parmesan cheese above and stir it under.
- Cook the vegetables for around 2 minutes in salt water to get them slightly pre-cooked. Pet them dry and add them to the filling.
- Take out the dough and roll it out while placing it between two baking sheets. The Quiche tins should have around 15 diameters.
- Slightly push the dough to your tins and add the filling to the tins.
- Bake the quiches for aorund30-40 minutes until they are golden brown.
PS: they also taste incredible on the next day.