Pumpkin Sweetpotato Gnocchi- “homemade Italian Classic”
Homade Italian Classic- Gnocchi. We kind of start preparing for our year abroad in Italy , lately. Its crazy how fast time runs by. Only three more month and we are already eading off to France.
So learning how to preaprea typical italian dish can’t be the wrong choice i guess 😉
Moritz already knew how to mae them of course, but for me it was very surprising how easy they are being made & how fast it actually goes. I always thought making gnocchi would be one of the more difficult dishes. The more I liked the fact that you can also be flexible with your ingredients, as the dough is very forgiving to textures anddifferent conditions – other than pasta i assume.
My mum also bought me a gnocchi plate – and now i finally came to use it.
How you do it:
- Start with peeling the potatoes and cutting them into medium sized cubes, as well as the Hokkaido pumpkin.
- Bring a big pot of water to boil, add a little salt & cook the potatoes, pumpkin and sweet potatoe cubes until they are getting soft (for around 10min)
- Mash them and add salt, the egg, flour, and nutmeg.
- Knead the dough until it has a very doughy texture and does not stick anymore.
- Take a handful of dough and roll it into a thumb thick snake.
- Cut it into 5 cm long pieces and either roll them over a gnocchi board or a fork.
- Boil some water again and cook the gnocchi until they are starting to swim on the surface.
- Now prepare them as ou please. A good way is frying them in butter with sage!