Rasberry Asparagus Salad – Grilled green Asparagus with Rasberry Vinaigrette

Rasberry Asparagus Salad – “Bring the Spring to your plate”
First days of spring and its finally asparagus time again! We found some really fresh ones at the farmers market yesterday and stored it in the fridge in a wet towel. With this method, it will stay fresh for a couple of days. Of course most people now asparagus as the white sticks that fit perfectly to sauce hollandaise and butter potatoes, but listen up. The green sister of the thick white legumes should not be underestimated. The green asparagus is full of fibre, folate, vitamins A, C, E and K, as well as chromium, a trace mineral that enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream into cells. For me personally its more delicious as well. Definitely, give it a tr if you can access it. So here is the first asparagus recipe but definitely not the last one.
How you do it:
- Wash your asparagus. Cut the woody ends and shave it if necessary, up to the middle of the stick max.
- Cook water in a pot with some salt. When it’s cooking, add the asparagus for around 2 minutes. Directly take them out of the boiling water and put it into cold water and set aside.
- Start with your dressing by adding all ingredients into a jar. Put the lit on and give it a good shake. Adjust the taste by adding either more jam or salt.
- Heat olive oil in a pan and add in your blanched asparagus. Sprinkle some sea salt over it and saute it on a rather high heat so it gets golden brown on the sides but does not cook too much. Use the leftover heat of the pan to roast your sunflower seeds
- Cut your apple into quarters and remove the seeds. Try to cut the apple in very thin slices. If you are a bit clumsy try to use a peeler (no one likes blood on their apples).
- After you cut your apples, place them one over another on the edge of your plate and sprinkle some lemon juice over it.
- Take the grilled asparagus out of the pan and place it in the middle on the apples.
- Drizzle your dressing over your salad and garnish with your raspberries and some flowers – violets, Indian cress and daisies are etable, so go for them 😉

I really really enjoyed this dish. We made 3 small servings and ate it as a side dish but I could also imagine making this as a main with some green salad and baby rosemary potatoes aside.
Hope you enjoy this spring dish.