Rose Apple Pie – “vegan, quick and easy”

Here’s the story of the “Rose Apple Pie – vegan, quick and easy.  We all have experienced it – you wake up and get a phone call or message from a friend or family member who asks you to spend some time with coffee and tea at the afternoon. Of course, you want to offer them something nice and maybe even something special, but you do not want to spend too much time into it. In our case it was also important to make something that is vegan. Fiona decided to be plant based for the whole month of April so that was a challenge as well.

As we also did not want to go grocery shopping again we searched for what we had left to make a cake. Under my bed, I found a whole package of speculoos from Christmas and as they are vegan I decided to use them as well.

So here is our little Sunday creation. We hope you enjoy as exactly like we did!

How you do it:

Start with boiling 1/2 cup of water and put it over the cashews to let them get soft for the cream.


  1. preheat the oven to 200°
  2. Take a plastic bag or a food processor and start crushing up the vegan cookies of your choice. Make sure that there are no big pieces anymore.
  3. Heat a pan and melt the coconut oil.
  4. Put the cookies and the amaranth into a bowl, sprinkle some salt over it and combine them with the melted coconut oil.
  5. Place everything into a cake tin, in which you should have placed some baking sheets. Spread the cookie crust evenly and lightly press it down.
  6. Put it into the oven for around 10 min and let it cool afterward.


  1. Strain your plant-based milk into a pot and heat it on medium level. Leave some of the milk for the custard and the sweetener and stir that mixture well.
  2. Take the inside of a vanilla bean and add it to the custard. Place the empty bean in the plant-based milk while warming up and take it out before adding the custard.
  3. When milk is boiling, take it of the heat and pour in the custard mixture. Stir until it gets creamy.
  4. Set aside to cool down (to fasten it, put it into the fridge)
  5. Take a blender and blend the cashews until you have a smooth cashew cream.
  6. mix with raisins.

Tip: put some cling film directly over the custard cream to hinder it to get a skin. If you don’t do that (like me), you will get clumps in your cream.


  1. Wash your apples and cut them into really thin slices. You can also use a peeler to get the ideal result.
  2. Put the slices into a bowl and mix them with the citrus juices and the cinnamon.
  3. set aside.


Bring them all together 🙂

  1. Take your custard cream out of the fridge. Combine the Cashew cream with it by whisking it with a scraper until it is well combined.
  2. Put your apple slices into the microwave for around 1 min to make them more soft and easier to morph.
  3. Spread the cream on top of your crust.
  4. Start with taking the smallest pieces of your apple, roll them with your finger tips and place it on the cake to form the inner blossom. One after one, place bigger slices around them to make a rose.
  5. Continue until the whole cake is covered.
  6. If you still have time, put the cake back into the fridge, so it sets and the cream gets even more thick.
Rose Apple Pie- vegan Truefoodsblog



We hope that you got finished in time and your guests are impressed of your little piece of art 😉
