Stuffed Red Bell Pepper


Stuffed Rd Bell Pepper – Old but gold. Today it was Moritz turn to make dinner and as always he managed to turn something familiar into something super delicious and special. That is life when you life with a chef! J #luxury

Special Herb:

He included a pinch of our all time special herb called “fenugreek” which you can find in any good organised organic store or even conventional supermarket. For all the Germans here – it’s Schabziegerklee.

It has a very unique taste which is not found somewhere else or at least is difficult to be compared with. It perfectly fits guacamole and anything which you want to taste like a really herby vegetable soup (maybe that description fits). Sometimes you can find it as special ingredients in cheese. You might recognise it in some of our upcoming recipes as well, so stay tuned if you want to get more inspiration for what you can do with this fancy herb.


So here is Moritz version of the stuffed red bell pepper. Served on one of the beautiful self-made pottery plates from our dear friend Yueky. Definitely check out  web pagepage and Instagram :


How you do it:


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  2. Cut the onion, garlic and the zucchini.
  3. Heat some olive oil in a pan and put one small piece of onion in. The oil has the perfect temperature when there are bubbles around the onion. Put in all Onions and the garlic and cook them until they start getting golden.
  4. Meanwhile, drain the can of chickpeas and put them into a vessel or your foodprocessor.
  5. Add lemon juice, salt, pepper, red pepper powder, coriander powder and a pinch of fenugreek if you have It and mix until you have a smooth texture.
  6. Put the zucchini into the pan and let it cook until it starts to get golden brown. You can also add some of the schabziegerklee as well.
  7. When the zucchini is almost done, add the vegetable browth and set aside
  8. Cut off the head of the Bell Pepper and remove the seeds and the thin white skin.
  9. Start with stuffing the Bell Pepper with Hummus until half is full.
  10. Add the zucchini and top it with the feta.
  11. Put the Bell Peppers and their heads on a backing sheet and put it into the oven for about 30-40 min until the skin of the pepper partly gets brown.
Stuffed Red Bell Pepper- Instagram Truefoodsblog


Enjoy with some rice or quinoa. Recipe by Moritz
