Vegan Mozzarella Cheese – “Cheesy revolution”

Eating mainly Vegan for the time being lets me create new recipes like this vegan mozzarella cheese. While trying the vegan mozzarella from Gaz cookbook last week I felt that I could improve this recipe for my own sake. So I changed a few ingredients and the way how to cool it down which made it for me the perfect vegan mozzarella cheese recipe. On top of a pizza, in pasta or simply as a sort of spread on bread, the vegan cheese is multifunctional. There is one thing to say, do not expect the authentic “real” Mozzarella cheese but let yourself surprise with the flavors my vegan mozzarella brings with it. This is by far the fastest and most simple vegan cheese recipe I have ever tried out. Give it a try. 

The recipe is super easy and simple to create once you assembled all the ingredients. Chilled in the fridge I recommend to store the Vegan Mozzarella no longer than 4-5 days so it stays fresh and tasty.

People are experimenting more and more with vegan cheese and the holy grail in inventing a new vegan cheese recipe is not reached yet. Do you have found out about an amazing vegan cheese recipe or do you know a prepacked great cheese alternative? Let us know

Vegan Mozzarella Cheese on Spelt-Pizza Quick & Easy by Truefoodsblog 10


I think you guys are going to fall in love with this Vegan Mozzarella recipe and if you give it a try, let us know! We love seeing your comments, and especially your Instagram photos. Just tag them #Truefoodsblog so we can give them a look.


How to do:

1. Assemble and weight all the ingredients. Make sure you have a proper food blender or processor. Bring water to boil and pour over the cashew nuts “quick soaking” for around 20-30 minutes while you measure the other ingredients.

Vegan Mozzarella Cheese on Spelt-Pizza Quick & Easy

2. After the nuts have softened, drain and add them to a powerful blender (or food processor) with the remaining other ingredients. Blend the ingredients on high speed until you have a smooth mixture.

Vegan Mozzarella Cheese on Spelt-Pizza Quick & Easy by Truefoodsblog 3

3. Put the mixture into a non-stick saucepan and start stirring constantly on medium heat. Use a spatula and make sure you stir everything well. Be patient, after a few minutes you will notice how the texture gets thicker. After 7-9 minutes the texture should be thick enough and you can set the pan aside.

Vegan Mozzarella Cheese on Spelt-Pizza Quick & Easy by Truefoodsblog 5

4. Once the texture thickens and becomes cheese alike, take it aside and “stir it to chill”. Meaning you cool it down while stirring for around 3-5 minutes

I made this step at my window when it was still cold outside – see picute below

Vegan Mozzarella Cheese on Spelt-Pizza Quick & Easy by Truefoodsblog 6

5. Finally, you can decide either to form mozzarella shaped balls or just use the vegan cheese right away as a topping on your pizza.

For the perfect pizza recipe click here

Vegan Mozzarella Cheese on Spelt-Pizza Quick & Easy by Truefoodsblog 8