Vegan Po’ Boy – in homemade Pita ” inspired by hot for food”

Again an inspiration from the amazing Lauren Toyota. She just publsihed her book vegan comfort classics

and we are so excited to get one soon. Lauren has inspired and acompanied me during my vegan journey and she always brings out amazing recipes to recreate.

So we used the Oyster Mushroom Po’ Boy recipe for the marinated mushrooms and added a Pita as well as a Pea Sauce recipe on our own. Totally in love with this combination.

Photowise we have tried something different this time. We are so shy in front of the camera but for the sake of social media, Moritz made an exception. (Happy that I can be the person behind the camera though 😉 ).

Vegan Po' Boy - Truefoodsblog-2686

Vegan Po’ Boy – Truefoodsblog

This recipe will always be one of the memories capturing our last days in France. I have to be honest: I already miss it so badly. I was never homesick for the entire study, but i feel that it will change for france. It always felt like a piece of home, although i did not really have had the chance to settle.

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Vegan Po’ Boy – Truefoodsblog

Anyways: Enjoy this amazing vegan recipe. It is a real comfort food y’all. Take yourself some time to cook, because it is actually quite some work if you do everything from skretch.

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Vegan Po’ Boy – Truefoodsblog-2709

But seeing Moritz’s smile on his face when holding it in his hands is totally worth it. (my little vampire 😉 ).

Vegan Po' Boy - Truefoodsblog-2710

Vegan Po’ Boy – Truefoodsblog

How you do it:

Pita Bread

  1. start with mixing the two types of flour with the sugar, dried yeast and salt. After this, add the oil and the warm water.
  2. Now knead everything until you receive a smooth dough.
  3. Cover with a clove and let reast in a warm place for 1 hour.
  4. Preheat the oven to 220°C
  5. Devide the dugh into 9 pieces and roll them out to 2cm thickness.
  6. Place them on the baking tray and let bake for aorund 25 minutes.

Oyster Mushrooms

  1. Mix the plant-based milk, apple cider vinegar, soy or lupine flour, oyster sauce and spices in a bowl and marinade the mushrooms in it for aorund 15 minutes.
  2. In another bowl mix the bread crumbs, flour and spices.
  3. Heat a pan with the oil and start to take out the mushrooms and dip them into the breading until evenly coated. Instantly add into hot oil and fry for around 2 minutes on each side. in between add a glove of garlic to the oil to fry for the pea sauce
  4. Meanwhile you can blend the peas, garlic, salt, pepper, lemon juice and cuisine.
  5. Cut the cabbage, add salt and knead to get it a little soft. Now cut the tomatoes and the red onions into thin slices.

When Pitas are little cooled and mushrooms all fried – cut the pitas open and start filling them after your prefference.