Vegan Curries – “Sri Lankan mixed plate “

Have you ever wondered what a vegan can eat on Sri Lanka? Are you unsure of what food you can find as a vegan? Well, there is the answer on a plate. 

Veggie Curries en masse in all different kinds of variations! Today we had a red beet and a pumpkin carrot curry with red rice and fresh onion, herb and tomato salsa.

Sri Lanka is definitely a country where it is easy to follow your plant-based diet and still enjoy the culinary cuisine of the place you are experiencing.

We are currently staying at the amuura permaculture beach house


Vegan Curries by Truefoodsblog

Vegan Curries by Truefoodsblog

For one of these Curries, we decided to share the recipe with you – The Fin Red Beet Curry

I think you guys are going to fall in Love with this Reet Beet Curry recipe. And if you give it a try, let us know! We love seeing your comments, and especially your Instagram photos. Just tag them #Truefoodsblog so we can give them a look.

How to do: 

  1. Cook and Peel beetroot, after that rasp it on the fin side of your rasp.
  2. Cut the ginger, onions, garlic and fresh Curcuma in fin cubes, steam in a medium-sized pot within coconut oil.
  3. Cut carrot in cubes and tomatoes and chili  in small pieces
  4. Add the beetroot and all the remaining ingredients to the pot fill up with 1 cup of vegetable broth and let boil for 5 minutes. Season with cumin, salt, pepper and a bit of coconut sugar.
  5. chop coriander in small pieces and use as topping on the plate.