Vegan Silverbeet Zucchini Curry – “Vitamins fresh from the Garden”

Are you looking for an alternative to the famous vegetable kale? We have the solution, the Silverbeet is healthy and easy to grow alternative to Kale. The perfect space filling green in your garden. The Vegan Silverbeet- Zucchini Curry recipe combines the flavourful Indian kitchen and the Europe based silverbeet. All freshly harvested in our organic garden at home before moving to Italy. This Vegan quick an easy recipe topped with some sambal and cashews, combined with the Chapati bread from our webpage is just simple and delicious. Whereas the uppity Tuscan kale might look like it’s dressed in fashionista frills, silverbeet is down to earth. It is hardworking and versatile, offering you luscious shiny green leaves and the stem to cook.

Vegan Silverbeet Zucchini Curry - "Vitamins fresh from the Garden" by Truefoodsblog

Vegan Silverbeet Zucchini Curry – “Vitamins fresh from the Garden” by Truefoodsblog

While those Gen-Y kales now claim a dizzying array of health benefits, silverbeet has long been used by herbalists. Since the Roman days, the juice of the leaves has been associated with cancer cures and soothing toothaches, while renowned 17th-century herbalist Nicholas Culpeper proscribed it to combat both vertigo and headaches. Today, science tells us silverbeet should be praised for its high levels of vitamins A, K, and C, as well as being high in minerals such as potassium, iron, zinc, and manganese.

How to do:

1. Wash the Silverbeet and Zucchini and cut it in thin stripes. Weight your remaining ingredients.

2. Start steaming the onions, garlic, turmeric, and ginger in a medium-sized pot within the coconut oil.

3. Add the Garam Masala and the Cumin and steam them together for another 2-3 minutes to bring out the flavors. Now fill up With the Coconut milk and vegetable broth.

Vegan Silverbeet Zucchini Curry - "Vitamins fresh from the Garden" by Truefoodsblog

Vegan Silverbeet Zucchini Curry – “Vitamins fresh from the Garden” by Truefoodsblog

4. Now add the Silverbeet and Zucchini stripes and put a lit on the pot. After that, let the Curry cook for 15-20 minutes and taste with Salt, pepper and some chili at the end.

5. At the end, serve the Curry in a bowl topped with Cashew Nuts and some Sambal as well as a splash of lime juice on top for the freshness (I personally eat the curry with some fresh coriander).


The perfect addition to this recipe is our homemade Chapati Bread which you may find under this Link 

Vegan Silverbeet Zucchini Curry - "Vitamins fresh from the Garden" by Truefoodsblog

Vegan Silverbeet Zucchini Curry – “Vitamins fresh from the Garden” by Truefoodsblog




