Vegan Tempeh Wrap – “Throwback Bali special”

This super quick and easy vegan recipe acts for me as a sort of “throwback” to Bali, which I have visited together with my friend Kili last year. The Vegan Tempeh Wrap is a filled with fresh and roasted veggies, marinated and grilled soy tempeh and topped with nut-butter (like cashew or almond). Served with a bowl full of your favorite salad it’s the perfect healthy lunch. Being able to see how Tempeh is produced in one of the Villages in Indonesia was an unforgettable experience. It is great to see, that the fermented soy product is becoming more and more popular in western societies especially as a source of protein for Vegans.

Vegan Tempeh Wrap - Throwback Bali special by Truefoodsblog 2

Vegan Tempeh Wrap – Throwback Bali special by Truefoodsblog 2

How to do:

  1. Prepare all the ingredients, cut the vegetables and tempeh. Soak the Tempeh into the soya sauce and set aside. 

2. Cut the Eggplant in two parts (length). Drizzle some olive oil on the white open side and pick some holes in the outer skin (preferably with a fork). Bake in the Oven 230 degrees (450 Fahrenheit) for 10-15 minutes until smooth meat. 

3. Place a pan on medium heat and add 1 Tbsp of coconut oil into it. Steam the Carrot and zucchini slices. In another pan or pot – grill the onion slices in 1 Tbsp Coconut or Olive oil. Add Salt, pepper, and cumin to both pans. Set aside (keep some spring onions on the side for topping)

4. Grill the soaked tempeh shortly from both sides in a medium heated pan (1 tbsp coconut oil). Make sure to stay at the pan while grilling, the tempeh burns quite fast. Set aside

5. As a Side you may make your favorite salad of choice with one of our amazing Truefoodsdresings (the tangy tomato dressing created by Claire’s relatives is my favourite btw):

Blackberry Balsamico Dressing

Lemon Honey Mustard Dressing

Tangy tomato paste & jam dressing

Vegan Tempeh Wrap - Throwback Bali special by Truefoodsblog 3

Vegan Tempeh Wrap – Throwback Bali special by Truefoodsblog

6. Lastly, take out the Eggplant from the oven, scratch out the meat from the skin. Heat up the wraps (flatbread) in the oven for 30-50 seconds (so they get flexible). Start filling the Wraps like seen on the picture with vegetables, tempeh, eggplant meat, nuts, spring onion slices, nut-butter drizzles and a pinch of salt and pepper.

Wrap the wrap in its classical tortilla shape and serve with salad on the side #

tortilla folding how to (by whilehewasout blog)

Tortilla folding how to (by whilehewasout blog)

Enjoy your plant-based Snack with your beloveds, share the recipe and feel gooooood 🙂 

Wrap View from my balcony by truefoodsblog

Wrap View from my balcony by truefoodsblog

Source picture: Folding wrap