Vegetarian Lettuce Wraps – “Summer Snack Collection”
Vegetarian Lettuce Wraps – “Summer Snack Collection”. A friend from Germany is here for a visit and the weather is burning hot. It’s the kind of weather in which you do not feel like eating anything that is heated and you are craving something fresh but not too filling. Those Lettuce wraps just seem perfect for a little meal in between until we can finally eat something more filling in the evening.
So perfect that we had some leftover sweet potato fries and beet hummus from the American feast we had the day before – the taste the waste topics again 😉
How you do it:
Sweet Potatoe Fries
- Preheat the oven for 180°
- Peel the sweet potatoes and cut it into small slices
- Rinse the slices in cold water for around 5 min
- Dry them with a handkerchief and put it into a zipper with the cornstarch and the seasoning
- Put them on to a sheet and drizzle them with olive oil before you let them bake for around 25 min.
Beet Hummus
- Add all the ingredients into a blender or a utility which is suitable for a hand mixer and mix until everything is well combined
- Season until you have your desired flavour.
Lettuce Wraps
- Wash your Romanian Lettuce and divide the Leafs without destroying them
- Start with placing the Hummus first
- Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, and place them as well
- roast the sunflower seeds in a pan
- Be playful and combine everything as you like
Enjoy your little Summer snack & do not get a sunburn 😛

Vegetarian Lettuce Wraps – Truefoodsblog